Service Dog Trainers By State

When it comes to the proper treatment of individuals with disabilities, a service dog can be a valuable friend to have. With such a valuable ally on one’s side, a person’s quality of life increases vastly and they allow the disabled individual the potential to take part in things that would be difficult or next […]

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Service Dog

Dogs are incredible animals that have evolved over time alongside the human species to help us take on all kinds of different challenges. From hunting dogs, to guard dogs, and sheepherding dogs, these amazing beasts have learned to help us in nearly every facet of life throughout history. Today, many dogs are still used for […]

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Wheelchair Assistance Dogs

Wheelchair Assistance Dogs

Wheelchair assistance dogs, commonly known as mobility assistance dogs, are a great help to many in the world in their daily lives. These individual service dogs can accomplish a multitude of different tasks, and when called upon, can even prevent various accidents. They are friendly canines that increase the quality of life for their handlers. […]

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Service Animal

Service Dog for Parkinson’s

More than 10 million people around the world are currently suffering from Parkinson’s Disease. As of now, there is no cure for this debilitating condition, though there are many treatment options to help alleviate symptoms and improve a patient’s quality of life. Parkinson’s Disease, also known simply as Parkinson’s or PD, is a disorder of […]

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Service Dog for the Deaf

Most animals have five basic senses: sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing. Some animals have keener senses in some areas than others. Dogs are known for their powerful sense of hearing which is capable of hearing sounds that are outside of the range of noises that humans can hear. Over the years, humans have learned […]

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Service Dog for the Blind

Service Dog for the Blind

Humans have a long history of using animals in creative ways to solve problems and make up for our deficiencies. In more recent years, we have taken to using animals in more specialized ways. Dogs in particular have been used for all kinds of tasks which they are uniquely capable of and today they are […]

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Dog for Epileptics

Service Dog for Epileptics

Animals have long been used around the world for serving all sorts of purposes. The evolution of mankind and its best friend, the dog, has taken some interesting turns throughout the course of history. As we learn more about these amazing animals, we continue to find new applications for their incredible talents. In more recent […]

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How to Adopt a Failed Service Dog

Service dogs are a vital resource for people who suffer from a disability or condition that makes it difficult to function in their daily lives. This means that service dogs must meet a very high standard; otherwise, they cannot provide the degree of quality that their owners need. Additionally, if a service dog is not […]

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Service Dog

Service Dog for Lupus

Lupus, also known as Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease. It basically causes the immune system to begin attacking healthy tissue throughout various parts of the body. Some people may be dealing with mild or severe symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms include fever, chest pain, painful and swollen joints, mouth ulcers, […]

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Service Dog

Service Dog for TBI

TBI, or traumatic brain injury, is a serious condition. It can be caused by accidents, illnesses, and even infections. A person who suffers from TBI can have diminished mental capacities, become short-tempered, forgetful, and suffer a number of other serious ailments. Mild traumatic brain injury may only affect brain cells for a brief amount of […]

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